Piano, Guitar & Voice
We will be offering private music lessons in piano, guitar, and voice for the age groups listed below. Please contact the desk to schedule a free evaluation.
Music and Children
Almost all children LOVE music! Studies have shown that music enhances a child’s comprehension abilities, helps them with math concepts, assists in the development of fine motor skills, and helps to build self-confidence. Many children with special needs have been known to excel at music even though they are unable to communicate or participate in regular structured activities. In general, music enhances the lives of many children and adults as well.
Private Lessons Time Availability
Mondays: Piano 5:00pm – 7:30pm
Tuesdays: Piano, Voice Guitar 5:00 pm – 7:00pm
Wednesday: Piano 5:00pm – 7:30 pm
Thursdays: Piano, Voice, Guitar 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Saturdays: Piano, Voice, Guitar 9:00 am – 11:30am
When should a child start piano lessons?
Students must be at least 5 years old and must know how to count and must know their entire alphabet.
When should a child start private Voice lessons?
Students must be 10 years old.
More Information about Guitar lessons to come!